On 10 July 2018, the Lord woke me up at 2:30 in the morning with an open vision. In the vision, I saw an outbreak of violence in South Africa and many people killed. I saw political leaders in cahoots with gang leaders. The police couldn’t handle the chaos that erupted. From the vision, it appeared that this was all part of a bigger plan being orchestrated. God gave me 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 and He said, “Break the plans of the evil one in South Africa” which is a direct translation of the Afrikaans version of 2 Corinthians 10:5 which states: “Terwyl ons planne verbreek...” The Spirit of the Lord then instructed me to call a fast so that we as a church could pray and fast for South Africa.
A few days after my experience, Dianne van Straaten (Assistant Pastor at Arc) came to me and shared a similar vision. It was confirmation since she didn’t know about my earlier open vision. She saw that South Africa was on the verge of an explosive situation; the smallest incident could activate the explosion. She saw many dead bodies on the streets as a result of killing and violence.
It is important to note that in 1993 my spiritual father, Jacques van Straaten, said that because the churches had prayed and fasted, what the enemy had planned for South Africa was broken. He prophecied that these principalities that were intended for South Africa had gone to Rwanda. The Book of Matthew 8:28 – 34 clearly states that when the principalities were cast out of the possessed man they needed an alternative dwelling place. They entered a drove of pigs nearby. When the principalities were cast out of South Africa they had to find another country to enter; they entered Rwanda (up to one million people were killed in the Rwandan Genocide, 7 April 1994). Dianne also had a dream where she saw me pointing and saying, “What the principalities and powers had intended for South Africa back then, they want to implement now.”
We call upon pastors, leaders, churches, and anyone who feels led to do so, to join us as we call on heaven for the nation of South Africa.
Pastor Benjamin Ardé
Founding Pastor at Arc