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8 April 2023

~ Benjamin Ardé


​Founding Pastor at Arc® & #Pray4SA™

“And over the nation – this nation of South Africa – the word is that I shall release a confusion.


The enemy shall find himself in derision.

The enemy has got many plans, but the leaders shall begin to turn one on another, one on another from the far left to the far right. They shall begin to turn on one another, and there shall be no direction.

But it shall be for the good.

It shall be for the good.

It shall be for the good.


For I shall bring in My structure, and I shall bring in My order, and it shall frustrate many of the foreign investors and those that would want to move forward with their agendas in this nation because it will cause” – I see in the spirit like chessboards, but there are many different chessboards, and everybody is playing a different game, so it causes confusion in the game. Nobody can move forward. Because everybody cheats at the game, the game cannot go forward because the game is broken. It’s the only way I can explain it.





“Watch and see.

Watch and see.

Watch and see.

Watch and see how I shall bring forth My plan in this hour,” in the mighty name of Jesus.


“Under the Blood,

Remain under the Blood.

Remain under the Blood.

Remain under the Blood.


There is something also breeding, which is a great spirit of murder that wants to manifest. It’s under the cover, but it’s through a minority that have an evil agenda, but they are busy working to spark the flames of genocide.

But keep under the Blood.

Keep in prayer.

That I will deal with those that are busy with a false agenda contrary to My plan.”





We say South Africa belongs to You. The enemy will not have it. Oh, there is so much going on behind the scenes, they are moving swiftly. But that’s blocked.

It’s blocked.

It’s blocked.

It explodes in their face.

It doesn’t work here.

It fails here.

It will be a failed state of affairs.

It will not operate.

It will not come to fruition.

In the mighty name of Jesus.


It falls flat, in Jesus’ mighty name.

It falls flat.

I speak it in Jesus’ name.

It falls flat.

And for those that have invested a lot of money into these new technologies,

it will fall flat.

They will lose their money.

They will lose their investments.

Many of them will even go bankrupt. Father, because I thank You that it will fall flat.

It will fall flat.

What is going on in the medical world, it will fall flat.

What is going on in the banking world, it will fall flat.

In the name of Jesus.


Thank You, Lord, that South Africa will be, Lord, like an ark. It will arch. It will be an umbrella. It will be a protection. It will be a safe haven, and yet it will be hidden. In the mighty name of Jesus, I thank You. I thank You. I thank You.


#PRAY4SA Â© Kopiereg

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